Results of the 2008 software test
The results of our investigations in 2008 should not be interpreted as a purchase recommendation. We have only tried to assess how well the systems recognize plagiarism overall, and to evaluate the usability of those systems in daily work in universities, colleges, and high schools. Institutions that plan to acquire software for detecting plagiarism should more closely investigate those systems which are seem to fit their situation best.
Overview of the test
The overview chart shows that the results of the test in a large chart. The test method and the evaluation criteria are described on separate pages. The test cases are also explained in more detail.
A summary of the test and the collusion recognition, as well as a press release and pictures, are also available.
Evaluation of plagiarism detection systems
Very good systems
The year 2008 is no different from previous tests: there was no system in this category, although the criteria were a bit lower this time. Only humans can reach very good results here!
Good systems
- 1: Copyscape Premium
- X: Plagiarism-Detector Note: The system installed a Trojan at some customer’s sites and has been removed from the list.
- 3: Copyscape Free
- 4: Urkund
- 5: Docoloc
– PlagAware (new) - 7: Ephorus
Satisfying systems
- 8: SafeAssign
- 9: StrikePlagiarism
- 10: PlagiatCheck
- 11: AntiPlag
- 12: PlagAware (alt)
Sufficient systems
Insufficient systems
- 15: Plagiarism-Finder
- 16: Turnitin Global
Aborted tests
Other system
- ETBlast – looks for plagiarism in the MEDLINE database
- ProfNet – access denied
- Eve2 – Money is accepted, but the software does not work