Similarity Texter

Additional Information

Collusiontest 2012

This is an overview of the results of a test of Collusion Detection Systems from 2012.

The complete report can be found here.

This table lists the individual results for the systems tested.

Test Overview

Overall Results

Partially Useful Systems

  1. JPlag
  2. SPLaT

Useful for Text Only

  1. TurnItIn
  2. Ephorus

Partially Useful for
Program code only

  1. MOSS

Not Useful for University

  1. AntiCutAndPaste
  2. CodeSuite
  3. ExamDiff Pro
  4. Eclipse Compare
  5. jEdit jDiff Plugin
  6. Beyond Compare
  7. KDiff3
  8. Code Compare
  9. WCopy Find
  10. Crot

Discontinued Tests

  1. Yaplaf
  2. BOSS2
Source Code Comparison

Partially Useful

  1. JPlag
  2. MOSS
  4. SPLaT

Not Useful for University

  1. TurnItIn
  2. AntiCutAndPaste
  3. CodeSuite
  4. ExamDiff Pro
  5. Eclipse Compare
  6. jEdit jDiff Plugin
  7. Beyond Compare
  8. KDiff3
  9. Code Compare
  10. WCopy Find
  11. Ephorus
  12. Crot
Text Comparison

Useful Systems

  1. TurnItIn
  2. JPlag
  3. Ephorus
  4. SPLaT

Partially Useful

  2. Eclipse Compare
  3. Beyond Compare
  4. WCopy Find

Not Useful for University

  1. AntiCutAndPaste
  2. CodeSuite
  3. ExamDiff Pro
  4. jEdit jDiff Plugin
  5. KDiff3
  6. Code Compare
  7. Crot

Discontinued Tests

  1. MOSS