Here is the ranking list of the Test 2010. The numbers are in percent of possible points.
Alle TF = all testcases
TF 10-40 = testcases, without those trackable by Google
TF 31-40 = english testcases
Benutzerfreundlichkeit = Usability for the workflow in a university
Professionalität = How professionell is the company, who is behind the software?
Systeme Alle TF TF 10-40 TF 31-40 Benutzerfreundlichkeit Professionalität Rang
PlagAware 61.67 61.11 70 75 93.33 1
Turnitin 62.5 64.44 60 71.67 86.67 2
Ephorus 61.67 55.56 60 76.67 86.67 3
PlagScan 60 57.78 60 83.33 86.67 4
Urkund 58.33 66.67 66.67 51.67 60 5
Plagiarism Finder 57.5 51.11 33.33 76.67 100 6
Docoloc 59.17 55.56 53.33 66.67 86.67 7
Copyscape Premium 56.67 51.11 70 65 80 8
Blackboard/SafeAssign 60.83 55.56 53.33 43.33 86.67 9
Plagiarisma 64.17 64.44 60 35 26.67 10
Compilatio 60.83 58.89 46.67 61.67 66.67 11
StrikePlagiarism 52.5 47.78 60 40 93.33 12
The Plagiarism Checker Free 56.67 47.78 50 65 53.33 13
The Plagiarism Checker Premium 55.83 47.78 50 65 53.33 14
iPlagiarismCheck 46.67 62.22 50 43.33 46.67 15
UN.COV.ER 48.33 44.44 50 46.67 76.67 16
Genuine Text 45 40 53.33 46.67 73.33 17
CatchItFirst 40.83 46.67 56.67 50 33.33 18
plagium 26.67 27.78 50 60 53.33 19
Viper 24.17 27.78 60 53.33 26.67 20
Plagiarism Detector 46.67 42.22 50 35 40 21
PlagiarismSearch 44.17 40 46.67 51.67 33.33 22
PlagiarismChecker 42.5 42.22 36.67 43.33 46.67 23
Grammarly 30 36.67 43.33 58.33 26.67 24
Percent Dupe 40.83 33.33 40 46.67 36.67 25
Article Checker 26.67 25.56 26.67 31.67 20 26