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Test 2010: S10-40 PlagiarismChecker

Software Profile | Testoverview | Summary| Screenshots | Business Promotion | Links

Software Profile

ID S10-40
Product PlagiarismChecker
Company Darren Hom
Web Site
Software Type Online
Costs free
Test Date 2010-09-15


Ranking for all tests: 21
Ranking for tests 10-40: 19
Ranking for tests 31-40: 25
Usability: 19
Professionalism 16
Middle Ranking 20
Effectiveness (Grade): F
Overall Ranking: 23



PlagiarismChecker is a system that seems to have been produced in 2006. It has a box for pasting in text, or a URL can be given. It just looks up phrases in Google and redirects you to the Google results page, so you can check it yourself, there are no reports prepared. It will truncate sentences at 32 words, which appears to be the limit for the Google API. It runs into an occasional PHP error, or an internal server error, but we were able to complete the tests, although it only managed to achieve 42% of the overall effectiveness points.

Company Statement


Screenshot 1: The user interface

Screenshot 2: At some points, the text is shortened

Screenshot 3: The results are shown in Google

Business Promotion

“ allows you to search for several phrases from a student’s paper at the same time without having to type quotation marks or special operators, which most search engines require if you’re trying to look for exact copies of a student’s writing. This site automatically adds the quotation marks and special operators for you.

Other plagiarism detection services are available, but some only work if you buy subscriptions. Most of these services also require students to turn their papers in through a Web site, which is difficult for students who do not have access to the Internet. is free and works on any papers, whether students e-mail them to you or turn in hard copies.”


official website