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Test 2010: S10-32 The Plagiarism Checker Free

Software Profile | Testoverview | Summary| Screenshots | Business Promotion | Links

Software Profile

ID S10-32
Product The Plagiarism Checker Free
Company Brian Klug seems to be an alumnus of the University of Maryland.
Web Site
Software Type Online
Costs free
Test Date 2010-09-02


Ranking for all tests: 12
Ranking for tests 10-40: 14
Ranking for tests 31-40: 15
Usability: 7
Professionalism 14
Middle Ranking 12,4
Effectiveness (Grade): D+
Overall Ranking: 13

barely useful


The Plagiarism Checker (Free / Premium) is another new system in our tests. It is offered by the University of Maryland. We tested both the free and the premium version (8$/month), strangely enough, the free version was slightly better than the premium version. It does not quantify the plagiarism, but notes “possible plagiarism”. When you click on the link, you are given the Google or the Yahoo page with the search results (we used the default, Google). There is no side-by-side reporting done, so it is really not clear what this system does, beside selecting the sample. We were not successful in contacting anyone responsible for the system, our emails were consistently returned with “temporarily local problem please try later”. The overall effectiveness was 56%, resulting in a D grade.

Company Statement


Screenshot 1: homepage

Screenshot 2: results

Business Promotion

“This free plagiarism detector will find plagiarized text in homework and other essays/reports.”


official website