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Test 2010: S10-43 Plagiarisma

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Software Profile

ID S10-43
Product Plagiarisma
Company Plagiarisma.Net without further information
Web Site
Software Type Online
Costs free after registration
Test Date 2010-08-04


Ranking for all tests: 1
Ranking for tests 10-40: 3
Ranking for tests 31-40: 6
Usability: 23
Professionalism 22
Middle Ranking 10,8
Effectiveness (Grade): C-
Overall Ranking: 10

barely useful


Plagiarisma: This newcomer system from Russia actually took first place in the overall effectiveness rating, obtaining just over 65% of the plagiarism points. The system is free, but has a daily limit of 8 tests that can be made. There were many problems with the system, including umlaut problems, reverting to Russian, no PDF upload on a Mac, you have to solve difficult captchas in order to log in, and the system looks quite different in different browsers. The professionalism index, however, shows many problems with using this system. On the same page an automatic synonymizer and a similarity checker is offered, these could help a potential plagiarist to “fine-tune” a paper. The owner of the site also runs a pornography site and spam pages, according to a whois lookup. There is no street address listed on the site, no person responsible for the page. There is a contact page and there is an answer within 2 days, but the email does not actually answer the question asked. We feel that a university cannot work together with unprofessional companies, and thus have put this system in the “barely useful” category.

Company Statement


Screenshot 1: Home

Screenshot 2: Hmm, looks Russian

Screenshot 3: You can doctors around the text until the Similarity Index is low enough.

Screenshot 4: The Synonymizer help to find alternative words – automatically.

Screenshot 5: After all, found a line at a shake&paste (from different sources) plagiarism.

Business Promotion

“Plagiarism checker is a handy tool that helps to scan documents of any type for plagiarism, and you really owe it to yourself to run your documents through it before you submit them, if you’re a student, blogger, writer or grade them in case you’re a teacher. It also may benefit you as a business owner when you order content, and pay money for it, to make sure whether the content you ordered is 100% original.”


official website