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Test 2010: S10-03 PlagiarismFinder

Software Profile | Testoverview | Summary| Screenshots | Business Promotion | Links

Software Profile

ID S10-03
Product PlagiarismFinder
Company Mediaphor Software Entertainment AG
Neuhäuser Straße 68c
D-33102 Paderborn
Web Site http://www.plagiarism-finder.de
Software Type Online
Costs Version for one workplace 149 EURO
USB-Version 299 EURO
Test Date 2010-07-28


Ranking for all tests: 11
Ranking for tests 10-40: 12
Ranking for tests 31-40: 26
Usability: 2
Professionalism 1
Middle Ranking 10,4
Effectiveness (Grade): D+
Overall Ranking: 6

barely useful


Plagiarism Finder is a German system that was one of the best systems tested in 2004, but has been plagued with difficulties since then, most specifically with the system not working stably and returning widely varying results just minutes later on a re-test. This is a system that is installed locally on a computer, or which can be purchased on a USB stick. There are many details about the system that makes it fit nicely into the workflow of a teacher, it was tied for second place for usability. But even for the new, English-language test cases, it only placed 11th.

Company Statement


Screenshot 1: Where do we start here?

Screenshot 2: Plagiarism probably found

Screenshot 3: Analysis Report

Screenshot 4: It is probably a plagiarism, but no sources reported?

Screenshot 5: If you click on the arrow, you may continue searching in Yahoo itself.

Business Promotion

„Plagiarism-Finder is a Windows application that runs on every PC with Internet access. You select the documents for checkup an start the examination with a mouse click. After minutes you receive the results as detailed report on your screen. The program generates a report highlighting concurrent passages and gives you a link to the source.“


official website http://www.plagiarism-finder.de